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Strategic Blueprint for Outback SA

The Outback Communities Authority is developing a Strategic Blueprint for Outback SA and will be conducting consultations across the region from July to September 2024 to gather insights, feedback and advice from community members.

The Strategic Blueprint aims to inform government and policymakers about the issues affecting Outback SA, and outline strategies for delivering improved facilities and services to shape the future of Outback SA over the next 10-15 years.

The document will serve as a guide for advocacy, investment, and partnerships. Through building a comprehensive profile of the environmental, social, cultural, economic, infrastructural issues facing Outback SA, the Blueprint aims to improve community livability and wellbeing, protect and enhance culture and heritage, help communities mitigate the effects of climate change, and support housing and economic growth.

Local knowledge is invaluable in crafting strategies that truly reflect our community's needs, making community feedback critical to the Blueprint's success and relevance.

All community members in Outback SA are invited to attend one (or more!) of the consultation meetings listed below. Online meetings will be available for those unable to attend in person. Please come along and contribute your thoughts and aspirations to shape the future of Outback SA.

Blueprint Schedule