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The members of the Outback Communities Authority are responsible for engaging the community and developing policy on matters not addressed in the legislation. A range of policies have been progressively developed and considered by members in collaboration with communities. In certain circumstances it may be necessary or prudent for the Outback Communities Authority to adopt overarching whole of Government policies.  These policies included below and marked with an asterisk.

The Outback Communities Authority policies are evaluated at strategic times by Authority's staff. The Outback Communities Authority Board reviews the policies on the recommendation of the Director or within three months of the appointment or renewal of tenure of a Presiding Member, which ever shall occur first.  All Outback Communities Authority policies were reviewed and re-affirmed by the Outback Communities Authority at its meeting of 30 August 2019

Feedback on revised policies is always welcomed.


Public Consultation Policy

OCA Business Conduct Policy

OCA Business Conduct - Member Induction and Procedures

Community Support & Development

Community Contribution Scheme Policy and Procedures

Community Affairs Resourcing and Management Agreement Policy and Procedures

Small Projects Funding Policy and Procedures

Sponsorship Policy and Procedures